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Cookie Policy

Firestone Building Products EMEA BV, a limited liability company under the laws of Belgium, registered in Brussels under number RPR (0)695.420.714 (Firestone Building Products EMEA BV is a member of Holcim Ltd Group and together with the other Firestone subsidiaries in the EEA and Holcim Ltd subsidiaries in EEA, Switzerland and India, is herein referred to as “Firestone” or “we”)  is the controller and administrator of the site (the corporate one:, or this specific one, or related one, hereinafter “Website”). We are using cookies to continuously improve Website visitors’ experience.

Cookies can directly enhance such experience (e.g. by remembering your choice of language and other specific settings) or may be even necessary to properly and legally perform services that you request (e.g., by remembering your selection of cookies settings). In addition, certain cookies provide Firestone with statistical information about the use of its Website, thus indirectly supporting it to better meet your preferences by adapting accordingly. Cookies may also allow you to use certain additional features included in the Website e.g. by designed applications accessible through Website.

We recommend that you read this Cookie Policy along with our Privacy Policy.


What exactly are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that your browser installs on your computer or other devices and that enable the Website to recognize it upon your visit. It consists of a unique number and can hence distinguish your device from others although you remain unnamed.

Thanks to cookies, Firestone can for example make sure that the information appearing on your screen during your next visit to its website is tuned in to your preferences. With the help of cookies, Firestone can also identify the most popular sections of its website, since they allow Firestone to know which pages are visited and how much time visitors spend browsing the same. On the basis of these aggregated data, Firestone can adjust its website to better reflect visitor preferences and offer a more customer-oriented experience. Finally, cookies may facilitate certain third-party applications such as social media network connections.

What types of cookies may we use?

Cookies usually have an expiration time. We may use two types of cookies on our websites - "session cookies" and "persistent cookies".

Session cookies are temporary and remain on your device only as long as you browse the webpage. Persistent cookies remain on your device also after your browsing session is over.

Persistent cookies remain on your computer, tablet or smartphone, even after you have closed your browser or mobile app. These cookies allow us to recognize you if you visit our website or use our mobile app at a later time. Persistent cookies remain on your device until their expiry date is reached, until a new version of the cookie is installed or until you delete them yourself via your browser or mobile app settings.

In terms of its origin, we may also divide cookies per “first-party cookies” and “third-party cookies”.

First-party cookies are placed on the Website directly by us to enable its regular browsing, enhance its functionality or meet legal requirements.

 “Third-party cookies” are cookies that are placed on the Website by third parties chosen by us to support some of the Website’s functionalities.

In the first place, we use cookies for functional purposes. This means that these cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our Websites. Necessary cookies are required for our Website to work correctly and functional cookies are intended to have your visit take place as smoothly as possible (e.g. page navigation, preferred language or the region you are in)

In addition, we use cookies for analytical purposes. These cookies collect information about the technical data of the exchange or regarding the use of the Website to improve the working thereof. We never place analytics cookies without your agreement and never use the data we collect for other purposes and certainly do not pass them on to third parties.

Also social plugin (e.g. Facebook share button) to share info on your social media, or go to the Firestone channel on YouTube, this external party will place cookies on your device. Third-party cookies are mostly marketing cookies which are served to track your surfing behavior after you have visited the Website. Advertisers use this information to propose you customized advertisements. This will only take place if you agree.


Type of Cookie

1/ Strictly Necessary Cookies (has_js)

  • Why? 

These cookies are necessary for the Website to function properly. They make it possible to navigate on the Website and use its features.

For example, this type of cookies allow you to navigate form one webpage to the next and store information necessary for filling in forms

  • How do they affect your privacy?

These cookies are applied automatically for the time of each session or for longer periods – depending on their purpose. As they are necessary to enable you browsing the Website in a regular way or to meet legal criteria, you cannot disable them.

If you prefer these cookies to not be installed on your device, you can stop your website visit at any time.

Duration: session


2/ Functional Cookies  (session, secret)

  • Why?

These cookies register choices made by you in dedicated areas where you give us your personal data (such as user name, language or the region the user is in). These cookies can also be used to remember the changes you make, e.g. to text size, fonts and to other parts of the Website that can be customized or to remember your browsing history or the fact that you have already visited the Website.

  • How do they affect your privacy?

The information these cookies collect may include technical info that is processed in connection with your visit and is linked to your device although you remain unnamed. You may still decide not to consent for its use or manually disable them in your settings although it may influence your Website experience.

Sometimes, these cookies may be set to remember personally identifiable information that you have disclosed, such as for instance your username or profile picture. While disclosing such personal details you will be either asked for your consent or at least clearly informed about our privacy rules.  If you decide to disclose your data and request particular services, such cookies will become necessary to provide it.

Duration: session


3/ Analytics Cookies (_ga,_gid, _gat, _cfduid)

  • Why?

These cookies are third-party cookies (e.g. Google Analytics, CloudFlare) that help the Website to understand how their visitors engage with the Website (e.g. to identify how the visitors reached the Website, what is the operating system used by visitors and browser type, the time and duration of the visit, which pages are being visited, age, gender and interests of the visitors etc.). The Cookies of Cloudflare are used to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per client basis. This cookie does not store any personally identifiable information.

  • How do they affect your privacy?

The information these cookies collect are not linked to identifiable or identified person and are mainly used for statistical purposes. They will allow Firestone to better tailor the website and its applications to the various needs and wishes of its visitors. We still request your consent for its use.

Duration: __ga: 2 years, _gid: 1 day, _gat: 1 min, _cfduid: 1 month 


4/ Marketing Cookies (e.g. YouTube, Google)

  • Why?

These cookies are third-party cookies that we decided to place on the Website in order to enhance its functionality (e.g. to make sure you can use social media widgets for Facebook, Twitter etc. directly on the Website, retarget you via Social Media platforms like Facebook and Instagram or track your geolocation to direct you to the nearest dealer if relevant ).

  • How do they affect your privacy?

These cookies are usually connected to your personal device or even personal data that you decide to include in the relevant social media channel. You always can decide whether to consent to its use (either directly or implicitly by requesting such service).

If you determine that other cookies are placed through our Website, we thank you to notify us so that we can make the necessary updates.


How we obtain your informed consent?

We give you the opportunity to decide what kind of cookies you want to allow us to use. Accepting cookies does not mean that you can be identified directly.

You can provide your cookie preferences in the following ways:

  • Upon entering the Website for the first time, you will be prompted with a message to provide your cookie preferences. You will be given the opportunity to approve or modify the recommended cookies. If you do not choose to accept the recommended cookies, a second screen will appear where you can make your choice to various types of cookies (accompanied by a brief explanation). Until you have made an explicit choice, the default cookie setting are necessary and functionality cookies. Necessary cookies will be installed on your device the moment you enter it as the Website functioning properly relies on these.
  • When you visit our Website again after you have set your cookie preferences during your first visit on the same device, the notification banner will no longer appear on your screen on future visits to the Website.
    Nevertheless, you retain full control over your cookie settings in the cookie preference center.
  • By default, most web browsers are configured to accept cookies automatically. You can change your browser settings at any time by changing preferences that may allow or disable all or certain cookies, delete the cookies already stored or notify you when a cookie has been placed.  Each type of browser has its own settings for handling cookies.


Objection and your rights

We cannot interfere with your browser cookies settings and we cannot disable for you the cookies you first consented to install or are necessary to be installed in order to allow your browser the Website. Nevertheless, you can always change your browser settings to delete or prevent various types of Cookies from being stored on your device in the future without your further intervention.

The ‘help’ section in your browser should provide information on how to manage your cookie settings directly in your browser. Find out how this works for your browser here:

What if this Cookie Policy changes?

Firestone may update this policy at any time. If we do this, it will be highlighted on the Website and/or brand pages, so that you are aware of the need to check it again. No change will lead to the limitation of your rights under applicable law.


Third-Party recipients and processors

Firestone doesn’t exchange cookies with websites of third parties or external supplier of data, with the exception of third parties working directly with Firestone and under its control and supervision to provide website services. Firestone always make sure that the processors of your data are bound by necessary contractual clauses to keep them safe and confidential.

Although we may use information collected via third-party cookies, please note that all third-party cookies are managed by its providers in accordance with their policies.


Consult the cookies used

To be able to see the exact list of what cookies Firestone uses, for how long these are active, when they expire, their domain and/or name, you can consult the settings in your web browser.

Here is a quick guide explaining on how to do so per browser:

Updated version: April 1, 2021