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Elevate’s RubberGard EPDM and UltraPly TPO roofing membranes have recently been awarded the DGNB Navigator Label. This effort is aligned with the company’s strong commitment to sustainability and its advocacy of green building certification programs.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) is one of Europe's biggest network for sustainable buildings, with over 1,200 members. They are mainly present in Germany, but also have partner organizations in Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Thailand and China. The DGNB has its own certification system, the DGNB System, which works like a planning and optimization tool that helps raise the tangible sustainability of building projects.
The DGNB has also developed the DGNB Navigator, a free online database aimed to architects and designers to be used as a planning and evaluation tool when choosing construction products for use in sustainable buildings and certification. Manufacturers can use it to showcase their products and provide relevant information such as Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), among others.
Whether manufacturer, architect, planner, installer or auditor, the DGNB Navigator supports everyone involved in the product selection process. It creates transparency and provides everyone with valuable and precise information on the product they are looking for and their characteristics - such as information on environmental impacts, life cycle costs calculation, energy requirements or emissions behavior. The DGNB Navigator also creates an important bridge between construction products and the DGNB System for buildings by providing the data required for building certification.
After a building product has been registered in the DGNB Navigator, and provided it complies with the DGNB System requirements, it will receive the DGNB Navigator Label, which allows manufacturers to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.